Category: Uncategorized


Happiness is a day away

Hello Fibro Warriors,Here are some questions I have to always ask myself.Am I willing to pay the price to enjoy life? When you allow yourself to be active only to hurt so bad the next day you can’t move, It’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up, accept it, and be kind to your body. While resting, regardless of the pain, […]


Friendship and Fibro

Hello Fibro Warriors,How many of us realize friendships are a funny things, they are one of the most important relationships we will every have to maintain in our lifetime, right up there with marriages, our children, and family. Fibro can put a strain on friendship. Some friendships are very fragile, while others are very strong. […]



Do you feel guilty when you can’t function?  Do you feel like you are letting your husband, kids or friends down? When you hurt so bad you can’t even move, you have so much pain you can’t function knowing there is so much to be done but there’s nothing you can do. Because with every breath […]

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