Happiness is a day away


Happiness is a day away

Hello Fibro Warriors,
Here are some questions I have to always ask myself.
Am I willing to pay the price to enjoy life? When you allow yourself to be active only to hurt so bad the next day you can’t move, It’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up, accept it, and be kind to your body. While resting, regardless of the pain, think of the memories you just made! It’s better to have one good day of enjoyment than to have missed out, when you’re already missing out due to a series of bad days.
Enjoy your good days with no regrets and know that there are more good days on the way. Don’t feel like you need to overdo it when trying to compensate for time you feel you may have lost on a bad day. Think of all of the memories you just made with family and friends on your good days!
Take things a little at a time, rest when you start feeling stressed, and take the time you need to unwind.
When the pain begins, stop and take a breath. Remember, live in the moment by keeping your eyes wide open. Stay focused and don’t let the pain win, you may have to rest more than others but you can do it. You can win. You’re strong and you have the courage to push on!
Always remember you may be in a lower gear, but you can still win the race. You’re a warrior so have no fear, your body is strong and when fighting stay focused, you can divert the pain don’t get lost in the Fibro Fog  you are strong.
Happiness is only a day away. 
Question: How will you find your happiness?

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