Stress and the Corona Virus


Stress and the Corona Virus

Hello Fibro Warriors,
As we are all feeling the stress and anxieties of the corona virus it can be very hard for all of us fighting chronic pain caused by fibro. The stress we feel can have tremendous effects on us and will cause a fibro flare so what are some ways we can keep the stress and anxieties down?
Here are some easy steps that will only cost you your time! 
If you have kids  it’s a good time to bond with them.
-Do a puzzle with your kids or play a game
-Create a scavenger hunt in your home or out in your yard
-Finger painting (the internet can show you how to make home made paint)
or just break out the art supplies
-Break out the Nerf guns and play Nerf ball tag
​-Take your kids in a virtual field trip to the zoo check out home safari facebook live also check out your local zoo, museum, and aquarium websites to see what they are offering
-The internet can show you how to make play- dough easy no cook recipes
There are a lot of ideals that will fit into your child’s interest and cost you nothing but time. 
Now that we have some ideas to comfort and help with the anxieties our kids might be having due to the isolation from friends and dealing with unfamiliar routines, it’s time to take care of your self.
I like to…
-listen to music, it helps relax my mind
-take a walk, even if its just around the block it always help me
-make myself do mild exercise, stretches, bends, roll my shoulders it helps to lower my body’s stress hormones and in most cases improve my sleep
-turn off my lights and light some candles. Did you know certain scents can alter your brain waves and decrease the stress hormones in your body. soothing scents like Lavender Rose Sandalwood are my favorites
-travel! so I do Guided Imagery taking a long and well needed vacation in my mind while soaking in a hot bath. This always puts me in a happy place and changes my focus from my pain to something I’m enjoying
-stop what I’m doing and focus on my breathing for just 10 minutes. It calms my anxieties down and relaxes my body.

I realize things work differently for all of us, and although these thing appear to be very simple, trying two or three of them together may benefit you in many ways. I hope that these suggestions help you

Question: so what are some of the things you do to release your stress and anxieties?

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