When your mouth can’t see your words


When your mouth can’t see your words

Fibro Fog

Hello Fibro Warriors,
 Having fibro can be so Irritating and we can get so frustrated by language problems, If you have ever lost your words in the middle of a conversation? you are not alone!

I have found myself in the middle of a conversation and lost all ability to speak! At first, I would get very embarrassed and then frustrated so I started looking in to it why this was happening.

I found out that it’s common for people with fibro to find themselves searching their brains for simple words that they just can’t remember.
Some experts believe that a lack of restorative sleep can lead to these problems or mental distraction due to pain may cause language problems.
​So, I started keeping a journal.

I realized when I got a good night sleep and my pain was not at high levels my brain fog symptoms generally improved!  However, when I was in a fibro flair, I was unable to concentrate and my words didn’t flow having a conversation became very difficult. This issue would stop me from even wanting to engage with my family or friends it simply was too much work searching for words.

If you’re having problems managing your condition, you have several options. The first, is to learn how to divert your pain. I have found using a sound machine at night helps me sleep. Also, listening to audio books or your favorite music can slow your brain from racing, giving you what you need to get a good nights sleep.

Distracting your brain with sound will help you decrease your pain if you allow yourself also allow your body to relax. This can be  very important when you’re trying to get a good nights rest or just make it through your day. I don’t know about you but when if can keep my mind busy I feel better However at night I do know the true battle we go through when we are in a flare or just from the day.

If you’re like me also dealing with anxiety, it can make the problem worse. It’s important to manage your stress levels and learn to stay calm when your brain falters. Finding ways to avoid stress or anxiety can be super beneficial. When I found myself in a stressful environment I  found sometimes it’s best to walk away and come back to the issue after I had some time to think about possible solutions.

This has help me relieve the stress related to the issue. Anxiety is an emotion brought on when you’re in an unpleasant position. It’s not always easy to remove yourself from an uncomfortable issue, however, by being able to walk away and take some deep breaths can calm your anxiety down and that allows you to see things in a different light.

There are many ways to distract your mind and relieve your stress and anxiety. It’s different for everyone, some may find that there are simple techniques that are easy to apply to any situation while others require more intense focus. You may need help from a third party like an understanding friend or family member. The main thing you need to remember is to be kind to your body, your mind, and your soul. Find your inner peace and utilize your strengths.  
Question: how do you deal with your stressful situations? 

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