


Do you feel guilty when you can’t function?  Do you feel like you are letting your husband, kids or friends down? When you hurt so bad you can’t even move, you have so much pain you can’t function knowing there is so much to be done but there’s nothing you can do. Because with every breath you take your body throbs and the pain is so intense. If that isn’t enough you’re feeling alone like no one understands that the pain is real. 
It’s ok. Sometimes your body just needs a break. On the days nothing works, listen to what your body is saying to you this is the  most important thing you can do.
There will be days that meds or mind over matter will not stop or ease the pain and on those days, rest and be kind to yourself. 
Find things that you can do while taking it easy such as watching a movie with your husband, getting in some quality time with loved ones, get your kids involved in an activity you can watch them while cheering them on from the sideline. That’s what will matter, you being there and making memories.
It’s not always about being active, it’s about the way you are interacting with them.
Remember it’s quality over quantity that matters when building the memories with them. That’s what they will hold on to for years to come. When looking back they won’t remember that you were in so much pain you couldn’t play with them, they will remember you were there with them laughing and showing them your love, even on the sidelines. In the end that’s what will matter.
Things to remember: Don’t beat yourself up when you can’t engage in life, you can still find ways to enjoy life remember sometimes it’s the little things that matter the most and leave a lasting memory.

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