Friendship and Fibro


Friendship and Fibro

Hello Fibro Warriors,
How many of us realize friendships are a funny things, they are one of the most important relationships we will every have to maintain in our lifetime, right up there with marriages, our children, and family. Fibro can put a strain on friendship. Some friendships are very fragile, while others are very strong. What kind of friendships can you maintain? Knowing the difference and keeping the balance can be extremely tricky at times. Knowing when to interject your opinion in certain matters and not upsetting the balance, knowing when to listen and knowing the opinion you give can be life changing. 
If you say the wrong thing it could hurt the other person but not saying what you feel can make you feel that the friendship is not secure.
Friends should be able to talk about anything and express their feelings freely without feeling like they have damaged the friendship.
When you are in a friendship with a strong person sometimes their views can blur yours potentially making it an unhealthy relationship, but if the friendship is with someone who’s fragile – who depends on you to solve their issues – it can put a strain on the friendship and eventually destroying the bond between the two.         
Q: So, the question of the day is… 
When you stop and look into your circle of friends what do you see? Are the relationships healthy? Do you benefit from this person being in your life? What do they bring to the table for you and is it a good balance? When dealing with Fibro true friends are hard to find and the relationships can be hard to maintain does that person support you? Are they understanding to your needs? Is there a good balance in the good times and in the bad?

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