Fibro the undefined


Fibro the undefined

Hello Fibro Warriors

well it’s been weeks since this corona virus started and lock down has been interesting for me as well as I’m sure it has been for you.To pass time I been reading the current info on Fibro/chronic pain I also belong to several Fibro groups. So these weeks has been very active and as I was fighting my own issues, I started noticing what I was reading was lot about Fibro suffers and all the medication there are taking. with no relief from the pain. It got me thinking.Why are we taking all these pills?

Everyone talks about the meds, but I don’t hear much about if they help. I have been med free for a little over a year now. Yes it was very hard at first like most I had convinced myself that pills help. and the first few months was hell. However since some of my medical problems are reversing them self and I’m getting better.

In this last year I have realized three things.

1- it depends on where you go to the doctor and what type of doctor he is (patient understanding caring) if he gets it he will limited your meds and try to coach you to find other options to manage the pain. if he’s just another type of doctor he will load you down with all kinds of different meds just to shut you up. My doctor told me to smoke medical marijuana (Stay tune that post to come)

2- It is possible to cope with the pain, anxiety and stress with out the meds. my personal experience life has been so. much better in a lot of aspects. I am learning how to really listen to my body, I have found even through it can be very hard I can control the pain, stress and anxiety.

3- We all have different life styles and we all have different issues going on it’s not all about Fibro. So I’m having to find ways to just deal with life. It’s the ways I find that I want to share.

I will talking about these issue and what I have found what is working and what is not I’m not trying to sell or endorse products, the info I will be sharing is my opinion. like most sufferers of chronic pain we are all good at reading medical reports and getting unrealistic task of reform I’m just like you living my life with Fibro.

Come back to read the follow up it should be an interesting journey. Next post May 16. Topic; how I deal with stress.

if you can relate to any of these topic please share your thoughts. there has to be more than one way to look at Fibro deal with stress or anxiety.

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