Fibro My Journey


Fibro My Journey

Hello Fibro Warriors,
​Today I was talking to my daughter and we were talking about fibro and some of its effects on your body. She told me about her friends daughter, how she was just diagnosed with fibro and what her journey has been like. 

My daughter went on to explain that all she does is eat and sleep. She reffuses exercise or take care of herself.  While I was listening, I thought about how it was for me when I was first diagnosed with Fibro. Dealing with the depression and the pain was so bad i could’nt even function.

It was so hard not to drown in the medications in the beginning and I didn’t understand what was happening. The pain I felt, the exhaustion that set in the questions where did my happiness go? what is happening to me? where is all this pain coming from? all these questions and no answers it was a nightmare.
IF you have been dealing with fibro and you don’t know what to do with your pain you’re not alone. However, there are some hard truth you need to know.

The pain never goes away! The only thing you can do is to accept it. Yes, my words sound harsh but it’s the truth. So many times, looking back if someone would have just told me this was my new normal then maybe I could have gotten my life back or at least taken control of my new life quicker. I lost so much time by distancing myself from my family and friends.
once I come to terms with the new me and educate myself, I discovered the things that started  working for me. You can find what works for you too.
I learned it was ok to have a bad day if all I did was lay in bed and relied on my meds to help me find relief that day it was ok. That’s what my body needed. My reward was by resting one day I gained two.
I learned that on my good day’s as long as I didn’t over do it my day was going to be fine. The small accomplishment were the best.

I learned that I may be hurting but if I push myself through the pain and did some kind of movements even if only for 10-15 minutes it helped. If you have access to a pool that’s the best, If you don’t just do some easy moving around to your favorite music or workout tapes.
 I also learned I had to change my eating habits even if was just 1-2 days a week finding a balance it the key. You don’t have to give up what you are used to doing, you just have to find a different way of doing things.

I hope by sharing this, you will see the pain may be there but your journey is not over .
So don’t let Fibro take your life away you are a warrior! and you are strong!.

Question: How will you find you balance?

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