Fibro & Stress


Fibro & Stress

Sending soft hugs and prayers to all who suffer with chronic pain.

Hello Fibro Warriors.

I hope during this month we can all find strength in each other, to all of you that live in chronic pain my love and respect goes out to you. When I hear my friends talk about what they have going on day to day I cringe. My kids are grown and my grandkids are pretty close. I could not image how hard it is for young mothers or young adults.

There are so many clinic out there and one remedy after another I have been finding out it’s really a combination of different routines. No two days are the same. some days require isolation somedays can be managed. One of the hardest choices I have had to make was to stop the meds. At first everything got to me . when I realized what was happening I shut down. that’s when I knew I was in trouble and had to do something. Now I’m finding my way . so let’s talk about stress here is what I am having to learn. Stress can be trigered by an incident going on around you, by your friends, family and your job or if you are like me you wake up stressing.

There’s days when you know the minute you wake up it’s going to be a hard day, on those days I take care of me. I may take a hot bath/shower first thing I remind myself I control my day not stress not fibro. I realized stress has a lot to do with the pain. just like they say “lol” . so controlling stresses a key factor. I quickly realized I needed to figure it out to help myself.

Here are some things that work from me is first and fore most take a time out when needed.. even if it’s only for 5 or 10 minute. I my take a drive turn on my music it depends where I’m at. when out with friends I’ve been known to excuse myself to the restroom it gives me the space I need to regroup. when I with my family the word STOP!!! works good. By stoping what ever it is taking place around you it helps you to regroup. A course there are times when it’s going to take more. But there are lots of ways to reduce stress and lots of techniques. The action differs from person to person.

Regardless to how my day has been how bad I may hurt how uncomfortable I am if I take a short walk, take a quick shower, go in another room and just take some breaths divert my mind with a small project, sit down and wright to you. I can control my stress. I didn’t learn this over night and I still am not a master at it all the time. but I’m aware and I work daily to improve my life.

Question: How do you manage your stress?

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