Oxygen Treatment


Oxygen Treatment

Hello, Fibro Warriors.
Today I would like to talk to you about a treatment I’m looking in to trying.  Oxygen Treatment.  I have been researching this for some time now, here is what I have found. Oxygen treatments are helping people with PSTD as well as People suffering with brain injuriesstress, anxiety and Chronic Fatigue, that can be caused by not getting good sleep.

It also helps with the inflammation in joints. By flooding your body with oxygen your body is able to heal. As a Fibro suffer we all know these are all major points that we are dealing with. According to my research after just a few treatments you are able to reduce your anxiety and stress, your joints start showing significant improvements and your pain is reduced.

Most people show a major improvements in the ability to get a better nights sleep. This is helping to result in lower levels of fatigue caused by the stress and anxiety fibromyalgia makes us feel.

These treatments are done in hour increments and run about $150.00 per session. I will be checking with my Doctor to see if he can prescribe the treatment and if my insurance can help off set the cost. However I feel if there is a possibility of reducing my pain the benefits out way the cost.
I will be trying my 1st treatment in just a few weeks. I’m so looking forward to it and to getting some much needed relief.

I will be going to a center here in Stanton, California  and would encourage you to look into a service near you.
​After my treatment I will be giving an update on how much of an effect it had and what the  benefits would be to continue treatments and how often you should get them . 
​Thank you for stoping by I hope you find this information helpful.

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